"REALITY" (2007)
720x576 - 00:03:34 - Short film - Written, directed by Silvia De Gennaro
Cast: Muriel De Gennaro
We live our lives hoping to improve ourselves, while possibly we are born to live through our imperfections .
Our Identity defines itself at the time we express our weaknesses: eternal life is faultless and anonymous, the one on earth short, deceptive, superficial, but just because of this, fabulous.
We live and die to reach heaven, to be born we get away from it
Life meant as “Reality Show” of souls, as an opportunity to escape from eternal monotony.
Close-up fixed on a little girl, floating soul awaiting for her own birth.
During her screentest-monologue, the little girl will be conceived (and therefore shortlisted for the Reality Show) by faraway laughs of a man and a woman.
Her soul will lose its wings and will eventually live out all her earthly flaws.
La vita intesa come “Reality” delle anime, occasione di fuga dalla monotonia eterna.
Camera fissa sul primo piano di una bambina, anima fluttuante in attesa della propria nascita.
Durante il suo monologo–provino, la bambina verrà concepita (e quindi selezionata per il Reality dei Reality) da risate lontane di un uomo e una donna.
L’anima perderà le ali e finalmente vivrà tutta la sua terrena imperfezione.
2009 - “Ca.Ve Cinema Film Festival” – Short Movies Review - Pieve di Teco, Italy
2009 - “Nuovi Sentieri 8 – La Settimana Corta” – Short Movies Review – Auditorium Teatro Bellini – Naples, Italy
2008 - “Nastri d'argento Corti” – Rome, Italy – Finalist Best Italian Short
2008 - “VII Festival del Cinema Indipendente” - “Cortissimi” – Short Film Festival -Foggia, Italy – “Cortissimi Award”
2008 - “Visionaria 2008 – Second life” – Video Art Contest - Piombino, Italy – In Competition
2008 - “CortoperScelta” - Short Film Festival - Cupra Marittima (Ap), Italy - Visual Talent Award
2008 - “Athens Video Art Festival” Athens, Greece
2008 - “Magmart- Video Under Volcano”– Video Art Contest - Casoria (Na), Italy – 1st Prize Ex-Aequo
2007 - “Story Tellers”– Art Exhibition - Lecce, Italy
2007 - “BigScreen International Film Festival “– Kunming, China – In Competition
2007 - “Asolo Art FilmFestival” – Asolo (TV), Italy